- wickedstylish
- production / edit / motion — design
urban masters
together with wickedstylish, opera gallery london and butterfly artnews we created a street art exhibition as a campaign for the insurance company ANV. the exhibition provided a window into how a culture perceives itself and the soul of its people. supporting new views and unique perspectives is how ANV saw their work as insurers. this exhibition was all about the similarities and taking risks. we created this little documentary timepiece about risk-taking with interviews and insights from amongst others:
bom.k / blo / brusk / gris1 / jaw / kan / sowat / da mental vaporz / lek / roa / david shillinglaw / zezão / sweet toof / blek le rat / ron english / mac1 / matt small / alexandros vasmoulakis / el mac / c215 / joe black / seen / risk / remi rough / sixeart / zeus / mentalgassi / nick gentry / the london police / stinkfish / rone / banksy / kid zoom / nick walker / shepard fairy.